Wednesday 22 March 2017

Harry Potter


This week we have been starting a new unit about adventure stories. We have learnt an extract from Harry Potter called Harry Potter and the Mountain Troll.  For your homework this week, we would like you to write a description of the mountain troll on the blog. Use the information from the text that we have learnt and add your own detail (use your imagination).

Minimum 100 words.

Friday 10 March 2017

Performance Poems Tips

Have a look on to see some good examples of poetry performances.

Before you start, read your chosen poem carefully and think about the meaning. It would be a good idea to discuss this with an adult.

Things to think about:

  • Voice projection: speaking at a good volume so everyone can hear 
  • Articulation: speaking clearly so all words can be understood 
  • Timing and rhythm: emphasising the rhythm of the lines, respecting punctuation, not reading too quickly 
  • Mood: varying tone of voice, volume etc to suit happy / sad bits of a poem 
  • Facial expression: using expressions to suit different parts of the poem 
  • Gesture: emphasising or echoing the meaning of the poem with hand gestures
Good luck!

Tuesday 7 March 2017


For our book week topic we have been looking at the book ‘Flotsam’. In the story some mysterious photographs are found by a boy on the beach. There are lots of unusual pictures of creatures underwater such as mechanical fish, an octopus sitting on a sofa and a turtle with a whole city on its back. 

As part of our story writing this week, we have focused on using expanded noun phrases with a preposition. For your homework, imagine or draw your own underwater scene and then write a paragraph on the blog describing what’s in the scene that you have created. Remember to use expanded noun phrases. Choose your adjectives carefully-try to use some that nobody else will use!

Minimum 100 words.