Monday 5 December 2016

Science Trip

We would like you to write a short (3-4 paragraphs) report about our trip to the London Museum of Water and Steam. You could include:
·         The Water Cycle workshop
·         Puzzling properties workshop
·         Splash zone
·         Waterworks gallery
·         Materials trial

Please try to focus on what you found out, rather than who you sat next to or what you had for lunch!

Monday 28 November 2016

Do children have too much screen time?

How much time do you spend watching TV or playing on the computer?

Well a study reckons that too many kids are having too much screen time.
The report found that by the time a child is seven they could have spent around a year of their life looking at TV and computer screens.
Some experts think that if you're between 7 and 12-years-old you should limit yourself to an hour a day to help your brain develop better.

For your homework write a balanced argument on your class blog, answering the question:

Should children have their TV and computer time limited?

Friday 18 November 2016

Is learning to swim important?

Newsround Article (10th November 2015)
Almost half of children leaving primary school can't swim well enough according to a report by the Amateur Swimming Association (ASA).
The ASA say that children should be able to swim the National Curriculum standard of 25 metres without any help before they reach secondary school.
But many schools say that getting you guys to the baths and back again without taking up too much of the school day is a real struggle.

We are lucky enough to have swimming lessons at school.  Not all children learn to swim at school.  Do you think it is important?  

Try to come up with three arguments for (reasons why children should go swimming in school time) and three arguments against (reasons why children should not go swimming in school time). Try to write at least 2 sentences for each reason (one to give your reason and one to explain it). This means you should write 12 sentences in total.  

Sunday 13 November 2016

Fairy Stories

Over the next few weeks, we will be reading some fairy stories and writing balanced arguments based on these stories. 

For your homework, we would like you to write (in your own words) either the story of Jack and the Beanstalk, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, or Little Red Riding Hood. Please post your homework onto the blog. 

Please remember to write in paragraphs (use a new paragraph for a new time, place or topic). If you include direct speech in your story, make sure it is punctuated correctly. 

Remember to check your work carefully before you post.

Monday 7 November 2016

British Museum

-   Here is a picture from The British Museum.

   Write a paragraph about it answering these questions. Try to write at least two sentences for each question.

-      What can you see? 
-      What do you think is happening in the picture?
-      Are there any things that we still use today?
-      Why do you think this picture was painted?
Once you have written your paragraph you might like to find out more by visiting the link below: 

Friday 21 October 2016


This week we would like you to write about the different 
types of teeth  and their functions in humans (you could also write about other animals) and how to look after them.
Links to useful websites will be on your class blogs.

You are expected to write at least three paragraphs for this
homework. If you type your work in Microsoft word first, it should be at least 250 words.
You will find some information to help you on the following websites. Please remember that your work should be in your own words, so make notes, rather than copy information from the website!

Remember to check your work carefully before you post. 

Monday 17 October 2016


In ICT we will be designing our own educational games using a programme called Scratch. This week we want you to think about any games that you already play, for example on Mathletics.

Write about your favourite games:
·         What are they?
·         Why do you enjoy playing them?
·         What do you learn from them?

·         Do you have any ideas for your own educational game?   

Friday 7 October 2016

The Digestive System

Your homework this week is to make notes about the digestive system. Please do this on paper-do not write on the blog for this activity.
Make sure that you make notes, rather than write in full sentences. Please do not just copy out information.

For example using this information, 

Information from the website:
Chewing - Chewing is the first stage of the digestive system. When you chew your food it breaks up big pieces into little pieces that are easier to digest and swallow. Also, your saliva is more than just water. It has special enzymes in it that start to break down starchy food (potatoes, bread) while you chew.

I can make these notes.
My notes:
Chewing: first stage, breaks up big pieces easier to digest. Saliva, special enzymes for starchy food.;

You may find some of these websites useful:

You may also find this video useful:

Friday 30 September 2016

Explanation Texts

Alien Explanation

If an alien came down to Earth from another planet he would probably be very confused by a lot of things he would find here. Look around your house. There are a lot of things in your house that would confuse an alien. You probably take a lot of these things for granted. Things like a television, a games console, a computer, a vacuum cleaner, and a washing machine would probably be unknown to the alien.
Imagine an alien did land on Earth and that you made friends with it. Choose an item from the list above, or use an idea of your own, and explain what it is to the alien. Write your explanation down. Think about what the thing is used for, how you use it and how it works.

Remember to read through your work carefully before you post and check for spelling and punctuation errors. 

Friday 23 September 2016

Performance Poetry

 Next week we will be starting our poetry unit. 

For your homework this week, you have been asked to read some poems (you could use poetry books from home or from the library, or look on the internet: is a good place to start). We would like you to prepare one your favourite poems to perform to the class next week. Please try to learn as much as possible of the poem (at least one verse) off by heart. 

Think about what makes a good poetry performance. The link below will take you to a performance of one of my favourite poems, Macavity The Mystery Cat by T.S. Eliot, performed by Michael Rosen. If you get chance, watch the performance. What makes it a good performance? How can you incorporate some of this into your poetry performance next week?

There are also links to other poetry performances on the side of the BBC page. Watch some of them if you get chance. 

Friday 16 September 2016

Literacy Homework Due 23rd September 2016

In this part of the story, Sir Caldor the Brave and Edward the Page have just met the fire dragon. Describe the fire dragon in detail. Try to use expanded noun phrases to help you, for example the dragon’s rancid fiery breath or his razor-sharp teeth.

Remember to read your work carefully before you post. Make sure you have added your name (first name only please).

Wednesday 7 September 2016

Welcome to the Olympic Park class blog. 

Our first few days back at school have been fantastic and you have all settled in really well.

You have all told me that you had exciting summer holidays! I would love to hear more about them. Write in the comments below. 
What did you do? Where did you go? Who did you go with? What was the most exciting part of your holidays and why?

Remember to write in full sentences and use capital letters. Check your spelling and punctuation carefully before you post.