Friday 14 July 2017

Hello, OP. 
How has your 4 days of art week been? Let me know about all the things you've made or are making. I have been having fun with my grandparents at their house. 
It's very hot in India but I' ve kind of got used to it. I went visiting my other grandparents ( my mum's parents ). Their house is very big. There I have two coisins who live with their parents who live with their parents. At my dad's parents house (where we are staying) there are no cousins but it's still fun!

Hope you'll message back soon so I can learn what you've been doing this Art Week!�� 

By: Vibha

Friday 16 June 2017


In Science we have been investigating habitats. For your homework this week we would like you to find out about bees’ habitats and try to answer the questions. There is a link to a website on your class blog to help you to get started. Read the information carefully and do some further research of your own if you can, then answer the questions below on the blog. Remember to answer in full sentences and read your work carefully before you post.

What is happening to the bees?
Why are they so important? 
How can we help them?

What could we put in our garden to encourage more bees?

Friday 19 May 2017


In Geography we have been using atlases to find out about 

continents, countries and oceans of the world. 

For your homework this week, we would like to choose a 

country and write a fact file about it.

You could include:
  • ·         Which continent it is on
  • ·         Which countries and seas border it
  • ·         The capital city
  • ·         Other significant cities
  • ·         The flag
  • ·         Languages spoken
  • ·         The population
  • ·         The currency
  • ·         The climate
  • ·         Mountains and rivers
  • ·         Any other interesting facts.

Friday 12 May 2017

Sir Francis Drake

This week we have been finding out about Sir Francis Drake and his exploration of the world. For your homework this week, we would like you to imagine that you are Sir Francis Drake. Write a diary entry for September 26, 1580. Include your thoughts and feelings about the journey that you have just come back from and the events of the day. 

Write a minimum of 150 words.

·         Write in full sentences
·         Use capital letters for proper nouns
·         Write in the first person
·         Write in the past tense

·         Check spellings carefully before you post. 

Friday 5 May 2017

Biography Research


This week we have been looking at biographies. This week we would like you read a biography of somebody that you are interested in. You could look online or visit the library to find some examples. Read the biography and write down five new facts that you have found out about your person onto the blog. 

Wednesday 3 May 2017


This week we have been looking at play scripts. We would like you to take one section of a film or television programme. While you watch it, make notes about a conversation between two or more characters (dialogue) and how they speak and move (stage directions).

We would then like you to turn your notes into a short section of a play script. Please add your play script to the class blog.

For example, here is a script for a section of Toy Story.

The rubber shark pops up wearing Woody's cowboy hat.

SHARK: Look, I'm Woody. Howdy, howdy, howdy!

WOODY: (sarcastic) Ah-hah! Ah-hah-hah! (grabs the hat). Give me that! (Woody leaps out of the toy box)

BUZZ: Say there, Lizard and Stretchy Dog. Let me show you something. It looks as though I've been accepted into your culture.

(Woody looks up to see Buzz chatting with Rex and Slinky)

BUZZ: (continued) Your Chief, Andy, inscribed his name on me.

(Buzz puts his foot out so that Slinky and Rex can see the sole of his boot. The name "ANDY" is written on it in permanent marker).


Friday 21 April 2017

A Midsummer Night's Dream

This week we have been reading A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare.

We have looked at some of Shakespeare’s language in class and discussed some of the words that he invented, such as honorificabilitudinitatibus.
For your homework this week, we would like you to invent three words of your own, with definitions.

For example:
·         You could merge two or more existing words into a new word. For example the word chortle, came from chuckle and snort- a snorting laugh.
·         If you know some words from another language you could combine them with English words to create a new word.
·         If you have a younger brother or sister, you might want to listen to their babbling and see if you can create a word from the noises they make.
·         You could create an onomatopoeia by listening to sounds around you.

·         You could add prefixes or suffixes onto existing words. For example you could say zebrification-the process of becoming a zebra.

     Write your three words with their definitions below. I can't wait to see what you come up with!

Wednesday 22 March 2017

Harry Potter


This week we have been starting a new unit about adventure stories. We have learnt an extract from Harry Potter called Harry Potter and the Mountain Troll.  For your homework this week, we would like you to write a description of the mountain troll on the blog. Use the information from the text that we have learnt and add your own detail (use your imagination).

Minimum 100 words.

Friday 10 March 2017

Performance Poems Tips

Have a look on to see some good examples of poetry performances.

Before you start, read your chosen poem carefully and think about the meaning. It would be a good idea to discuss this with an adult.

Things to think about:

  • Voice projection: speaking at a good volume so everyone can hear 
  • Articulation: speaking clearly so all words can be understood 
  • Timing and rhythm: emphasising the rhythm of the lines, respecting punctuation, not reading too quickly 
  • Mood: varying tone of voice, volume etc to suit happy / sad bits of a poem 
  • Facial expression: using expressions to suit different parts of the poem 
  • Gesture: emphasising or echoing the meaning of the poem with hand gestures
Good luck!

Tuesday 7 March 2017


For our book week topic we have been looking at the book ‘Flotsam’. In the story some mysterious photographs are found by a boy on the beach. There are lots of unusual pictures of creatures underwater such as mechanical fish, an octopus sitting on a sofa and a turtle with a whole city on its back. 

As part of our story writing this week, we have focused on using expanded noun phrases with a preposition. For your homework, imagine or draw your own underwater scene and then write a paragraph on the blog describing what’s in the scene that you have created. Remember to use expanded noun phrases. Choose your adjectives carefully-try to use some that nobody else will use!

Minimum 100 words. 

Thursday 19 January 2017

Mental Maths-Addition

Here is the game that we were playing as a warm up to our Maths lesson today. Let me know how you get on.

Monday 16 January 2017

Brave Rowland

Please write a conversation between two characters from Brave Rowland. Remember to use:
  • ·         Speech marks around the words which are said.
  • ·         Punctuation inside the speech marks.
  • ·         A new line for each new speaker.
  • ·         A comma to separate the speech and narrative.
  • ·         Alternatives for said.