Friday 16 June 2017


In Science we have been investigating habitats. For your homework this week we would like you to find out about bees’ habitats and try to answer the questions. There is a link to a website on your class blog to help you to get started. Read the information carefully and do some further research of your own if you can, then answer the questions below on the blog. Remember to answer in full sentences and read your work carefully before you post.

What is happening to the bees?
Why are they so important? 
How can we help them?

What could we put in our garden to encourage more bees?


  1. Bees' habitats are beehives (also called honeycomb)and they store honey in there.It is a . Also, in every hives, there is a Queen bee which generate honey and young bees store honey and protect the hive.They also look after the larvae. One. Older bees goes out and take nectar from the flowers and bring it back to the hive to the Queen Bee.The nectar from the flowers is too thin.Bees turn it into the sweet thick honey that we like best. BE CAREFUL! - Bees has a stinger on the tail of them and young one might sting you if you touch the hive. Farmer wear special clothes which protect them from bee stings when getting honey.

    Soham 4OP

  2. .Bees are so important because they make us honey and if we did not have bees there would be no honey.

    .We can put in our garden flowers because bees gets honey from flowers.

    .we can help them by not killing or stepping on them or any thing else
    do not even touch them.

    .I think more bees are getting killed by people stepping on them because some peoples do not like them. i thick that is what happening to the bees.

    By: Iqra

  3. What is happening to the bees.

    The diversity of bees and other pollinator populations has declined, leading to a potential global pollination crisis.

    Why are bees so important.

    All sorts of fruit and vegetables are pollinated by honey bees, such as broccoli and squash, apples and almonds.

    How can we help them.

    Plant bee-friendly flowers and flowering herbs in your garden and yard.

    what could we put in our garden to encourage more bees.

    Plant flowers native to your area.

    Plant flowers with single petals

    Plant yellow, white, blue and purple flowers.

    Plant flowers that bloom in sequence.

    Plant flowering vegetable and fruit plants.

    Plant herbs that attract bees.

  4. 1. Bees are dying because of chemicals and viruses in our daily life we know this because since the last ten years a third of bees have died.
    2. Bees are very important because they provide us most of the things we eat.
    3. We can help them by stopping chemical machines.
    4. We could build a bee house or plant more flowers.

    By: Ananya

  5. By Dawid

    We can help them by planting more plants for them to have more food.
    They are so important because they make honey and honey is important for us and for them also its important for them because they work for it and they eat it.
    We could put more flowers in our gardens to encourage more bees.

  6. they give us 30 billion worth of hone so you should not kill them.Bees give us 30 billion worth of crops in the us.Bees are the most workful annimials in the world.We can help them by not killing them.We could put loads o sunflower in our gardens.

  7. 1.The number of bees are dropping in the UK
    2.The bees are so important because they make some of the things that we eat today.
    3.We can help them by making nests with wood glue,bambo canes and wood.
    4.we could put nests in our gardens and put it in sunny places.


  8. Honey bee information

    We can flowers or other plants so they can collect the pollen and then make it into honey.

    Bees are important if you are poor because they will make honey and also help grow vegetables to eat.

    Most people think that you can help bees by putting plants and stuff in your garden especially if you in nursery but YOUR KEEPING THEM MORE BUSY...

    ...instead you can feed them because they do such a big job and extremely for a little thing they get you prepared without these kind creatures you will be very unhealthy.

    They give pollen to other bees and then it appears incredibly tasty honey.

    Word dictionary

    All the words that are underlined like this _________Except the title, belongs to the word dictionary.


    means they cant do any thing else than to the thing they are concentrating on just like they’re mad on it addicted or maybe to focused.

    By: Arya

  9. Bees are important because they help vegetables and fruit grow and honey bees make honey, pollen and bee wax .We can make bee house's all u need i wood glue baboon cane's and grow lots of flowers in our garden s. Chemical kills bees so we can't use it . Chemical get bees infected and they die so they cannot make fruits from flowers.

  10. Beautiful busy bees:
    Bees are wonderful creatures who are sometimes misjudged for their sting but not everyone realizes how big a role they play. If you would like to find out what their role in life is read on.

    Why are they so important?
    They are very important to the ecosystem and help plants grow by spreading pollen from flower to flower. 70 different species of plants depend on bees to help them grow. Bees also provide us with oxygen as they grow trees. They help grow vegetation and make honey to eat. Without them our food would be less and not that tasty.

    What is happening to the bees?
    The fuzzy friends are in big danger for their population has decreased by a third in the UK. It is not just in the UK; the USA have added 7 types of bee to their endangered species. Why? They are slowly becoming more and more endangered because of chemical used in farms, habitat loss, climate change and viruses.

    What can we do?
    One of the things we can do to keep them safe is if a stranded or sleepy bee is found prepare a water and sugar mix near the bee and a flower to strengthen it. You just need to add warm water and white sugar and stir well. Another one is don’t use chemicals for the lawn and plant lots of flowers.

    What you could put in your garden to help them?
    Firstly, you should plant bee-friendly plants so as to give them some food. Also plant composite piles so as to let them burrow down, safe. If you would like even soilitary bees to come build a bee house with wood slabs and bamboo sticks ( hollow wood also. Stack bamboo in rectangle house ( wood slabs) so the can squeeze into a shelter. For full instructions go to…

    By: Vibha

  11. Beautiful busy bees:
    Bees are wonderful creatures who are sometimes misjudged for their sting but not everyone realizes how big a role they play. If you would like to find out what their role in life is read on.

    Why are they so important?
    They are very important to the ecosystem and help plants grow by spreading pollen from flower to flower. 70 different species of plants depend on bees to help them grow. Bees also provide us with oxygen as they grow trees. They help grow vegetation and make honey to eat. Without them our food would be less and not that tasty.

    What is happening to the bees?
    The fuzzy friends are in big danger for their population has decreased by a third in the UK. It is not just in the UK; the USA have added 7 types of bee to their endangered species. Why? They are slowly becoming more and more endangered because of chemical used in farms, habitat loss, climate change and viruses.

    What can we do?
    One of the things we can do to keep them safe is if a stranded or sleepy bee is found prepare a water and sugar mix near the bee and a flower to strengthen it. You just need to add warm water and white sugar and stir well. Another one is don’t use chemicals for the lawn and plant lots of flowers.

    What you could put in your garden to help them?
    Firstly, you should plant bee-friendly plants so as to give them some food. Also plant composite piles so as to let them burrow down, safe. If you would like even soilitary bees to come build a bee house with wood slabs and bamboo sticks ( hollow wood also. Stack bamboo in rectangle house ( wood slabs) so the can squeeze into a shelter. For full instructions go to…


  12. Bees are important because they make all the honey and spread the pollen in flowers to grow plants, fruits and vegetables. Also, we need to eat fruits and vegetables to survive and we need plants so we can breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide. Also, bees make a third of what we eat and make our garden grow. In the last ten years, around a third of the population of bees have died. This is because of all the bee houses have been destroyed. They have also been attacked by viruses. We can help them by making bee houses and growing flowers.


  13. Bees are important because they provide us with yummy honey. The bees numbers are going down and increasing. We can help them by not distracting them and not killing them. We can help the bees by putting a wooden plate thing in your garden to encourage the bees. BY MISHCA

  14. What is happening to the bees?
    Answer: The number of bee colonies like bumblebees has dropped dramatically. Bumble bees are mainly under threat because of changes to the countryside in the UK and agricultural techniques that is why bumble bee species are struggling to survive.

    Why are they so important?
    Answer: Bees are important because bees help to provide a lot of food to eat by flying around pollinating plants. They are the most important pollinator of food crops. Many domestic and imported fruits and vegetables requires pollination.

    How can we help them?
    Answer: We can make more bee house for the bees. You could build one using woods and bamboo cane. You can also plant be-friendly flowers and avoid using chemicals and pesticides to treat your lawn or garden. Be nice to bumblebees when you see them.

    What could we put in our garden to encourage more bees?
    Answer: Make a flowering garden with native flower species. You can also provide places for bumblebees to nest. Bees like in compost, rock walls, hollow log and under bunch grasses.


  15. What is happening to bees? their population is going down.
    They are important because they keep flowers alive to keep us alive.
    add flowers to our back garden.
    if a bee stings it will die but wasps do not.
    They are insects because they have six legs.
    They breath in carbon dioxide and out oxygen.

    By Mal

  16. The bees are dieing
    because they give people honey
    we can keep them in are houses
    flowers of more colours

  17. the bees are dieing
    they give food to people
    we can put them in are houses
    put flowers in are garden
    by bartek

  18. Bees: Bees are really important because, they not only make honey but they help the plants grow by taking the pollens and nectar out and help them reproduce which make a third of what we eat.

    The bee population has shrunk by third since 10 years. Mostly because of the bees’ habitats have been destroyed by the changes of the climate and attacked by viruses. Also, the chemicals used to protect corps have made some of the UK’s species disappear. In USA, seven types of bees have been endangered.

    To help bee population growth, we can make homes for bees or by growing lots of flower in our garden so that bees can collect nectar and pollen. We could grow plants without any chemicals as weel.


  19. Why are bees important?

    They are important because they make honey and all kind of fruits like apples,mangoes and also honey that is so tasty to eat.How do bees make the honey? They make by eating some nectar and also sucking the pollen but not eating it just holding it with it's mouth. Then it takes it to the bee hive.

    How can we help them?

    We could grow some flowers with lots of nectar and pollen so they can eat and bring it back to the bee hive.So the bees can do all their work .Even when they have finished their work they keep them in their little holes that looks like pentagons.

    What is happening to the bees?

    The bees get angry when we run away or when you scream at them.They sting you with their sharp thing at the end of the bee's but.Also when you just stand still they won't hurt you.

  20. Bees are getting trouble because in the last ten years their population has shrunk down by a third.This is because their habitats are being destroyed because houses and cities are being built where the bees live.Also,they are being troubled by the climates changing and become warmer. Some are being attacked by viruses that grow in their bee hives.Bees are very important for the environment as they spread pollen from flowers to other areas in which they can grow. This grows our plants and vegetables that we eat. We can help bees by growing compost seeds where bees can put their nests. We can also build bee houses out of wood and bamboo sticks where bees can live.

    by Aisha

  21. 1. The bees are becoming endangered and their habitats are getting destroyed. A virus is affecting some hives.
    2. The bees transport pollen to plants, so the plants can produce fruits, vegetables and seeds.
    3. We can plant flowers because flowers give nectar and pollen, which is important for bees. We can make compost heaps because some bumble bees burrow in them for protection. Another way to help bees, is to build a wooden bee house for Solitary bees.
    4. Having lots of flowers in our garden, compost heaps and bee b’n’b’s will encourage bees to visit.
    By Methmi

  22. Bees are incredibly important as they help make a third of the food we eat by spreading pollen. There are more than 250 different species of bees made up of honey, solitary and bumble bees. One third of bees in the UK have disappeared because of chemicals, climate changes, viruses and habitat changes such as structures being built. Chemicals are bad because when bees are collecting nectar trucks come and lay down chemicals, so the chemicals kill them. The US has seven endangered species of bees. If the bees in the world die there will not be nectar to help plants grow. To help them we could create bee hives in our gardens and grow flowers that they like. Our gardens are good for bees because they prefer them to the countryside. This is because our gardens are like fast food take-aways for them with flowers to eat. Bees don’t flap their wings like birds their wings beat 230 times per second.


  23. Over the past 15 years, colonies of bees have been disappearing. The two most prominent causes are pesticides and habitat loss. Other causes include air pollution, global warming, drought, nutrition deficit and viruses attacking hives.

    The use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers in agriculture are reducing bee populations. Natural landscapes are being replaced by towns and cities hence bees are losing their natural habitat and have fewer places to live.

    Bee population is important. They help provide one-third of what we eat. Honey bees are pollinators for flowers, fruits and vegetables. Bees transfer pollen between the male and female parts, allowing plants to grow seeds and fruit.

    We can encourage more bees, in our garden, by planting flowers rich in nectar such as lavenders and bluebells, which help bees find the food they need. Making a compost heap will provide a nesting ground for bees and will protect and keep them safe. Also, a bee house can be created for solitary bees that do not live in a nest or hive.

    We can support our honey bees and their bee keepers, by choosing local British Honey.


  24. Hello, OP.
    How has your 4 days of art week been? Let me know about all the things you've made or are making. I have been having fun with my grandparents at their house.
    It's very hot in India but I' ve kind of got used to it. I went visiting my other grandparents ( my mum's parents ). Their house is very big. There I have two coisins who live with their parents who live with their parents. At my dad's parents house (where we are staying) there are no cousins but it's still fun!

    Hope you'll message back soon so I can learn what you've been doing this Art Week!��

    By: Vibha. ����☺️
