Monday 28 November 2016

Do children have too much screen time?

How much time do you spend watching TV or playing on the computer?

Well a study reckons that too many kids are having too much screen time.
The report found that by the time a child is seven they could have spent around a year of their life looking at TV and computer screens.
Some experts think that if you're between 7 and 12-years-old you should limit yourself to an hour a day to help your brain develop better.

For your homework write a balanced argument on your class blog, answering the question:

Should children have their TV and computer time limited?


  1. I think childrend and aldults should watch tv sometimes. Childrend and adults should watch tv sometimes because it will tell you news. I think childrend should't hafto have a time limit. They should have a time limit because there eyes could hert there eyes. If they whatch tv they could learn a lot. They could watch the news. But if there was't any tv there will be no fun. I think tv is sometimes good for you. Sometimes tv is't good for you. I love watching tv
    By tommy

  2. Children should not spent time on the computer playing games
    you should not because you can break your eye and be blind.

    1. This isn't a balanced argument Daniel. This is one sentence! I expected at least 4 paragraphs, with a paragraph for each point.

    2. I think t.v is not good for you
      because it can damage your eyes
      they also can make you go to the
      docter`s and I love watching t.v
      sometimes your eyes can still be
      heart by watching t.v.Only t.v can
      heart you if you watch t.v alot
      only. Children and adults should
      watch t.v for sometimes because
      the t.v will tell you the news.

      by Iqra

    3. Children should not spend time watching too much tv because they are wasting time. If you watching boring movies you can do better things in this time - play on field. When you watch too much tv your eyes can hurt you . Sometimes you can learn nice things from tv. New words or how to make something. You can have fun and nice time watching tv. You can also watch news from world. And learn about animals.

  3. Should screen time be limited for children?:

    The time children spend in front of computer and TV screens should be limited for there are many other activities that might interest them like skipping, coloring, hopscotch and other games. It might even reduce the chance of tiredness, strain and problems related to eyes. They should have at the maximum 2 hours for screen time.
    One hour for computer time and one hour of TV time with a decent break in between so they can play a different activity in that time. However many say that there are good qualities in spending more time with the system. But what are these good qualities?

    It’s said that more screen time is good for improving knowledge and educational purposes. Screen time can be addicted as it’s very interacting, enjoyable and interesting. Playing games on the computer can tend to lose track of time and may not be willing to stop when asked to. Hence screen time is recommended with limited time and balanced use.


  4. For
    1.Children should watch TV because they can watch the news and see what is going on in the world when they are not there.
    2.Children should watch TV because they could learn for educational
    3.People think you should play computer because it is fun a you get pick your own games.

    1.You should`t watch to much TV because then your eyes become blury
    then you will need glasses
    2.If you play longer on the lap top then you will less time to do your homework.
    3.if you look at screns for a long time your skin will turn hot.

    By Itquan

  5. You can spent daily 2 hours watching TV because its fun and you get lots of ideas and knowledge when we do our things like writings.
    Children should spent at least 1 hour per day so that we can do our home works like Mathletics and blogging. Even when we are playing a game it can be a bit tricky for little children like Santa clause is balancing on a wire.
    I really like all the programs that are old or new.

    There should be a limit to watch a TV or a computer because by watching TV or a computer more than 4 hours can affect your health. It is also bad for our brain to develop and sometimes we can get angry behaviour and also damage our eyesight.

    By Mafalda.

  6. Should children have their tv and computer time limited?
    Yes, because too much of watching tv is a waste of time. If you watch too much tv, you might forget to do your homework and you will have less time to do your reading. My mom said, that the time allowed for watching tv for kids is no more than 2 hours a day.
    Watching too much tv makes you lonely because instead of playing with your friends or with your brothers, you just sit alone and watch tv. You become anti-social.
    Watching too much tv is bad for your health. Your eyes could be damaged if too much time is spent watching tv. Your eyes will be so tired and it could turn red and itchy. You can get fat too. When you watch too much tv, you are not in movement, you just sit and watch. When you watch your favourite tv program you like to eat popcorn,crisps and chips and coke, which is bad for your health.
    The use of computer must be limited too because it is bad for us. Watching youtube,movies,film and playing online games will not do any good for us. It’s just a waste of time, but I like to watch funny videos in youtube. It keeps me laughing, but too much time watching gets my mum angry so I just watch when I finish my reading and mathletics.
    We can watch tv and use our computer if only we finish our blogging, homework in mathletics and reading. And we have to use tv and computer if it is educational like looking for the weather, if it is raining or sunny days tomorrow,so we can prepare.

  7. KAVIN

    1. I think children should watch screens limited time because it can help them with their learning.
    2. Also I think that children should have limited screen time because it might not get recorded or
    You might miss the channel.
    3. A child might get experienced by the thing that they never knew or learned.
    4. A child might have lots of fun on screens like a XBOX or PS and they can socialise with their friends.
    5. They might even have good nights if they think of a nice TV show that the child watches.
    1. My reasons against watching screens limited time will be that children could have nightmares which might not help them sleep.

    2. 2. If you watch too much then your eye sight can become weak and poor but you can get blind as well.

    3. If you watch too much TV you might get very tired and lose lots of energy and won’t get enough exercise.

    4. You will not learn as much or you might not even experience the outside world.

    5. You will miss out quality time with your family or anything more fun then TV.

  8. Should children have their screen time limited?

    Children should have their screen time limited, as they can ruin their eyes. If they watch to much TV then they have chances of being blind. You might get addicted to it. If you get addicted to it then you will not be able to control yourself. You could get hurt. An injury could happen to your eye.

    You should have some extra time so that you can check the weathers. Incase you have already watched one hour and you need to check the weather. They can see news. they will be able to watch world wide news. Incase you have not done your blogging homework.

  9. Children should have unlimited screen beucas it mite be egecationall . like mathletics and blogging.We should have limited screen time becaus we mite forget to do are home work.If we were playing a game we mite get so distractet that we forget.But we should have unlimited because it mite be the wether forcast.It could make us un safe because if we see people doing risky stuff we mite try do that.It is safe because we can watch newsround wich will ceep us safe.We should have a limited amount so we can run around and stay fit.

    by mal

  10. For
    1.Children can watch the news to find thing out around the world.
    2.Children can watch thing to do with education.
    3. They can learn new words from the TV.


    1.It will damage your eye sight!
    2. You will get less time to do your homework
    3.You will get to carried a way and spend more time on the computer than what's really around you.

  11. I would like o express the different sides of if children should or shouldn't watch TV or play on their computers for a long time daily.
    Firstly,one of the negatives is that if children watch it for a long time then it makes them addicted.
    Another minus is that young people spending a lot of time watching TV or playing games is that they are forgetting to do their homework or they will just rush it.

    Instead of watching TV they should read more books which forces to improve their imagination and creation.Reading
    books affects to create interesting stories by them.
    Thirdly,if children haven't had enough exercise it might cause their healthy problems,for example:obesity.

    Next,I would like to introduce a couple of the pros.
    At first,a child watching TV could learn and discover many interesting information and facts about the world.In TV,there are many education programs such as:"Animal Planet","National Geographic" and "Da Vinci Learning".
    I like watching "Animal Planet" because it tells and shows animals lives.
    Secondly,a child can explore how things are made and how they work.Sometimes,parents haven't got time to sit down with a child to answer all its questions.
    What is more,watching TV or playing console games could improve a child's imagination.
    In conclusion,I think watching TV for a couple hours daily has more cons than pros.Children and their parents should limit the time that the child is spending before a screen.
    In my opinion,all family could be playing more board games,for example:"Monopoli","Snakes and Ladders" and "Guess Who", than watching TV.Spending more time together nicely and actively improves their relationship.


  12. There are some good reasons why children should have their tv and computer time limited, but there are also some reasons why they should be allowed to have screen time.

    If you have too much screen time you will have bad eyes because your eyes get tired. There are other things you could be doing like reading or exercising. You need to exercise to keep fit, keep your body healthy and not get fat. If you do watch too much tv you lose interest in everything else and forget how to communicate with other people properly.

    However, watching tv or playing on the computer is a time where you relax and lay down and where you have fun. The programmes the children are watching might be educational such as Newsround or Horrible Histories, so they are increasing their knowledge as they watch. Playing on the computer you can improve your maths by playing mathletics and you can learn new skills like typing without looking at the keyboard.

    By Eva

  13. Against
    .They can demage the eyes
    .They can't watch to much because they can los eye contact
    .By watching to much tv you can become blined or you will need to were glasses
    .Watching tv is good because you can watch news and know whats hapening in the word or in a diffrent country
    .From watching tv you can maths or cooking
    .In tv a child can lisen to music and after they can make ther oun music and become fames
    B Dawid

  14. I think that children should have a time limit on the computers and TV because once a child finds new games on the computer they will concentrate on the game more than the important things. Also when they watch to much computer and TV your eyes can get damaged and then they will need glasses. If children spend time on games you will not get time to do your homework and if you get told off by your parents, you might still be addicted to the game. If children watch too much tv and computer, they will not get time to exercise and will get fat.

    I think children should not have a time limit on the computer and TV because you need to do your work like blogging and mathlectics. Sometimes you can take a break and play on the computers or watch on the telly for a short time. Also you can learn new things by watching youtube.

  15. Spending too much time watching TV, playing video games, using smart phones, computers and tablets may lead to health problems. For example, children who are not engaging in active play and exercise may become overweight. Video games which are violent may cause behaviour problems, for example, children may become aggressive. Also children may lack social skills, for example, they may not be able to communicate and interact well with others. It could also affect the quality of their schoolwork, for example, they may get low grades.

    On the other hand screen time could have a positive impact on children. For example TV channels such as History and National Geographic are educational and on line games such as Matheletics and Animal Jam are a good source for learning and develop the mind’s ability to process information and solve problems. Games may also improve hand and eye coordination.

    In my opinion children should have their screen time limited and monitored. Also children should watch TV programs and choose games which are entertaining as well as educational.


  16. Little children should not spend a lot of time on the television because it can make them get glasses or even blind. We should read more books so we get educated and clever. We can also games like monopoly and word search to get our brain working.

    We should watch television because some channels like operation ouch can make you clever and you get to discover new words you might not of heard of in your life. Also in our writing we could use the word in your writing. BY MISHCA

  17. I think that it's bad watching to much TV because your eyes might hurt because of the screen. If you do that you might get chances of being blind. The other reason is why the TV is bad for you because you have to be active and do activities except of just watching TV. So you can be fit and don't watch the TV all day. The third reason is that if they just sit there they won't be able to study enough and not to be clever. Since just watching TV isn't enough of learning and studying.

    Watching TV is kind of good for you because you also need to see what's on the news. Instead of reading the news paper it might come late because there's lots of other people that wants to read the news paper as well. If the other person doesn't know English but by watching English TV channels they might start to know English more better. Instead of them to not know the news because maybe they can't read it's better of them to hear the news. Also the third reason is that if some of the children wants to watch a movie they can instead of going to a library and don't have the card to get that book. Because some adults don't have the card because maybe they don't know how to get one.

  18. Haaris


    1.The first reason is that you can learn sometimes or maybe always to speak if you don't know.

    2.You can see what is happening around the world if the world is in danger or not

    3.You can learn on a laptop spell thing and edutional games


    1.if you watch to much it will hurt your eyes

    2.It will give you glasses

    3.You will forgret everything and not constrentarte

  19. Should you limit your TV time or not?
    Children have not been limiting their TV time and it has grown difficult for them to concentrate on their homework. The question is should they limit their TV time or not.
    You should limit your TV time because:
    1. It can damage your eyes and you can get injured badly.
    2. It wastes your own time and you won`t have any time to do your homework.
    3. TV steals the development of your brain and you could get distracted by it.
    4. You could also lose allot of family time from it too.
    5. TV takes the important parts of the day for children.
    6. Also takes away the time you have fresh air.

    Why TV can be good?
    1. It can be good because of news.
    2. Some TV programs inspire people and children.
    3. Also there could be educational programs and clips.
    By Methmi

  20. Spending too much time watching TV and Computer screens can damage children’s eyes very badly especially when we watch them sitting very close. Watching TV and spending time in front of computer can be very addictive for children as well as adults too. Parents should stop kids from developing these bad habits by strictly limiting children’s TV time and at the same time they need be a role model for kids.
    Watching TV for extended periods for time with no social engagement can make children lazy as they get very limited time for doing physical activities and playing with other kids.
    Watching TV and spending time in front of computer can be sometimes very helpful for developing brains especially if the content is some educational stuff, but watching screens for long period can make children tired which make children to lose concentration while doing homework.
    Watching TV and computer is very important for children’s activity as it helps them learn new things as long as it for a limited time every day. Parents need to allow children watching educational documentaries, educational games, search internet for spellings, meaning, doing research on topics. Parents need to guide the children to spend time on other physical and social activities and keep children active


  21. For:

    1. Children should have their TV and computer time limited because they will have to were glasses when they grow older. The child will have to were glasses when they get older if they look at the T.V. and computer screems for too long and to close.
    2. If they watch T.V. and computer screems for too long it wastes too much electricity and energy for the parents to pay the bill.
    3. Children also waste time to play on the computer and looking at the T.V. screems instead of gaining time to do lots of other exciting activities and it makes the children stay awake in the night.


    1. By looking at the telly, kids also start to learnt more imformation and learn more stuff. For example, if they watching BBC news, they can learn more things and keep it in their mind for ever!
    2. Others might think that if their child is looking at the T.V. and computer screens it's a good thing. They think it's a good thing because it keeps their child calm and quiet.
    3. If a child watches T.V. or something on the computer they will aventually know how to spell and pronounce words propelly.

    By Elena

  22. You should don't too much watch tv because your wasting money and healthy if you watch to much you mite by blind then you are going to have glasses and you will forget everything and not consternate. You can watch tv if it is important for you like your biasness or in news round or sports programs.Also there could be educational programs. We should more reading the books it is learn our imagination.
    By Bartek
